Elective Home Education in Scarborough

From the frontlines: July 2024

Over 300 children in the Yorkshire seaside town of Scarborough are now home-educated, and the number seems to be rising all the time. While for some this is the best route, according to local grassroots charities, for many more it is not- and is instead a symptom of schools and families not seeing eye to eye.

CSJ analysis shows that over 150,000 young people are out of school more than they are in it, and one in five are absent at least once a fortnight. Furthermore, nearly a third of parents do not feel their children should attend school everyday. There has been a breakdown in trust between families and schools, and the CSJ continues to make recommendations to change this.

Futureworks NY, a charity specialising in personalised support for all ages to help people realise their potential, recently shared the issue of rising elective home education in Scarborough. They shared that local schools seem happy to be signing off children who aren’t attending or achieving, and that many children are not getting what they need socially or academically from elective home education.

Futureworks sees this firsthand, through their new provision, specifically targeted to support year 10 and 11 students who are not educated in school, and build up their functional and social skills to prepare properly for college or any further training.

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